Residential Treatment QRTP | Northwood Children's Services | Duluth, MN

Residential Treatment QRTP

Nurturing living for positive futures

Northwood offers 24-hour care at our Main Campus Residential Treatment QRTP. Within an assigned team of 10 to 11 students (grouped according to treatment needs, gender, diagnosis, and age) children learn to live with others in a family-like atmosphere.

Residential treatment enables youth to build positive relationships with caring staff that is committed to their personal growth and success.


Program Overview

Each student has a comprehensive developmental plan prepared by a multidisciplinary team including parents, referring agency staff, teachers, therapists, supervisors, counselors, and medical services personnel. The plan outlines specific treatment goals related to the diagnosis and is evaluated on an ongoing basis.

Northwood uses a positive development and asset-building approach to create a structured and nurturing living and learning environment that allows each student to develop to their full potential at our Residential Treatment QRTP.


Program Components

  • Group Living and Life Skills
  • Individual and Group Therapy
  • Family Counseling and Therapy
  • Parent Education-Family Success Program
  • Professional Consultation and Evaluation
  • Special Education
  • Speech and Occupational Therapy
  • Recreation
  • Creative Arts
  • Health Services
  • Work Experience


Referral Process

A child must be between 5 and 17 years old and have a clinical diagnosis from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Inquiries by a mental health professional, county social worker, hospital, child care provider, or parents are welcome.



Staff includes counselors, therapists, recreational directors, and administrative and support personnel. Also, special education teachers, occupational therapists, speech clinicians, physicians, and nurses complement the treatment staff. College interns and volunteers from the community serve as tutors and mentors.


For more information or to make a referral to the Residential Treatment QRTP, please contact:

Rick Lelonek
Admissions Coordinator
Northwood Children’s Services
West Campus
4000 W. 9th Street
Duluth, MN 55807
(218) 728-7164

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