Corporate Foster Care | Northwood Children's Services

Corporate Foster Care

Safe and supportive living for youth

Northwood operates five Corporate Foster Care (CFC) group homes in Duluth for children between the ages of 10 to 21 with emotional and mental health disabilities. These federally funded programs were established under the provisions of the Community Access for Disability Inclusion waiver. CFC homes are licensed under Family Foster Care by the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Rule 245D, and are under the auspices of Northwood Children’s Services. The CFC program is a federally approved home and community-based services program that allows people with disabilities who require a higher level of care to receive services in the community.


Program Overview

Each home serves up to four students. Education is provided at one of our two campus schools, the Duluth Public School District, or local colleges. The homes are safe, attractive, and provide a nurturing, home-like environment. The program promotes positive experiences and opportunities for the student to become responsible, successful, and caring individuals.


Program Components

  • Person-Centered Planning
  • Group Living and Life Skills
  • Behavioral Supports
  • Independent Living Skills
  • Recreational Opportunities
  • Community Integration
  • Educational Support
  • Work Experience
  • Health Services

For more information or to make a referral, please contact:

Carol Duncan
Director of Community Residential Services
Northwood Children’s Services
West Campus
4000 W. 9th Street
Duluth, MN 55807
(218) 625-8173


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