Make a Referral | Northwood Children's Services

Make a Referral

To make a referral, please find the appropriate contact using the list below:

Northwood Outpatient Services

Steve Kaarbo
Northwood Outpatient Services
714 W. College Street
Duluth, MN 55811
(218) 728-7173

Click here for Outpatient Services Referral Form

Intensive Day Treatment

Amanda Ross
Intensive Day Treatment Programs- Rockridge
4849 Ivanhoe St.
Duluth, MN 55804
(218) 623-6445

Tim Berg
Intensive Day Treatment Programs- Merritt Creek Academy
4000 W. 9th St.
Duluth, MN 55812
(218) 625-2673

School-based Intensive Day Treatment

Jessica Jacobson
Director of Community Services
714 W. College Street
Duluth, MN 55811
(218) 728-7198

Lincoln Park Middle School IDT
Andrew Lian
218-336-8880 ext. 3343

Piedmont Elementary IDT
Chelsea Lent
218-336-8950 ext. 2815

Laura MacArthur Elementary IDT
Allissa Turner
218-336-8900 ext. 3135

Myers-Wilkins Elementary IDT
Nate Witt
218-336-8860 ext. 2497

Little Learner’s Enrichment Center

Terry Koren
Little Learner’s Enrichment Center
Community Services Building
714 W. College Street
Duluth, MN 55811
(218) 728-7165

Corporate Foster Care

Carol Duncan
Northwood Children’s Services
714 W. College Street
Duluth, MN 55811

Diagnostic & Assessment Center

Rick Lelonek
Admissions Coordinator
Northwood Children’s Services
4000 W. 9th Street
Duluth, MN 55807
(218) 728-7164

Residential Treatment (QRTP)&

Psychiatric Residential Treatment

Rick Lelonek
Admissions Coordinator
Northwood Children’s Services
4000 W. 9th Street
Duluth, MN 55807
(218) 728-7164

St. Louis County Crisis Stabilization Shelter

Please contact your St. Louis County Social Worker

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